Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Ugh. Speeding ticket.

I just got my first speeding ticket. I'm looking for a traffic violation lawyer who deals well with the City of Richmond court.

Any suggestions?


Sangeeta said...

Bart Chucker, Craig Cooley, or Chris Collins, Bill Linka--all the numbers are in the white pages.

But if you're in court and have a good driving record, usually the judges will give you driving school.

Caitlin said...

Thanks so much for the suggestions. Getting a lawyer may be a bit extreme, but I don't want to take any chances - it's a nice big ticket with nice big points attached to it. My insurance company would be thrilled.

vick said...

Hey Caitlin

i am in your boat now, and i feel how you felt that time. i was just wondering what did you do, did you get a lawyer or went to court and what was the outcome and if you have any suggestions, thanks
I just moved to richmond and got the first speeding ticket.